郭家祖籍發源系出唐代名將領郭子儀及歷代先祖。郭斌生於清末時期,受過傳統私塾教育,但家中認為新式教育內容,如英文、算術、科學等新知是未來的主流,故在民國初年開始進入了小學、中學等新式教育體系就讀,就讀中學期間就已嚮往孫中山先生的革命運動,故以郭柏興的學名在廈門加入了中華革命黨。民國13 年(1924) 6月16日黃埔軍校成立後,適逢郭斌從就讀的南洋公學畢業,在寫信稟告家中祖父及父親後,隨即前往廣州投考黃埔軍校,成為黃埔五期的畢業生。畢業後被分發至駐紮在龍潭下蜀一帶國民革命軍陸軍第 二十二師六十五團一營三連擔任見習官,至此開啟了郭斌的從軍報國之路。之後追隨蔣介石委員長參與東征、北伐大小戰役,1933 年起追隨戴笠將軍,加入軍統行列,抗戰時期多次出生入死,甚至曾遭日軍拘捕,驚險脫逃,抗戰勝利後投入接收上海之重責,並於1949 年之後隨中華民國政府轉進臺灣,擔任國防部保密局設計委員。1954 年奉國防部令准予退役,郭斌結束了 27 年軍旅生涯。退役後,由行政院國軍退除役官兵輔導委員會輔導至臺灣省政府交通處公路局任顧問,也參與黨務工作。1973 年郭斌病逝於臺大醫院,享年 68 歲。
The Kuo family can be traced back to the famed Tang dynasty military general Kuo Tzu-i (697-781). General Kuo Pin was born in the late Qing Dynasty (1644-1912) and received traditional education at an early age. However, his parents believed that new knowledge such as English, mathematics, and science were the future trend, so they enrolled him in elementary and junior high schools with modern curriculum. While attending junior high school, General Kuo yearned for Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s revolutionary ideology and joined the Chinese Revolutionary Party in Xiamen under the name “Kuo Po-hsing.” In 1924, General Kuo graduated from Nan Yang Public School, which coincided with the establishment of the Whampoa (Huangpu) Military Academy. After writing a letter to inform his grandfather and father about his desire to serve the country, he went to Guangzhou to apply for the academy. General Kuo was admitted as a student in the fifth graduating class of the military academy. After graduation in 1927, General Kuo engaged in the Eastern Expedition and later the Northern Expedition under the command of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. In 1933, he was recruited by General Dai Li to join the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics (Juntong). During the War of Resistance against Japanese Invasion (1937-1945), he was close to death many times and barely escaped from the Japanese arrest. After victory of the War, he shouldered the responsibilities of taking over the city of Shanghai. After following the government of Republic of China to retreat to Taiwan in 1949, he was designated one of the committee members of the Counterintelligence Bureau under the Ministry of National Defense. General Kuo retired from the military in 1954 and got involved with veteran affairs. In 1973, he passed away at the National Taiwan University Hospital in Taipei at the age of 68.